Scoot Inbound Group Booking Business Rule
Sep 22, 2020, 15:55 PM
This article contains the business rules guiding Singapore Airlines and Silk Air Group bookings onto Scoot flights.
Important Information
Product and scope
• The TR-SQ product will have IATCI.
• The TR flight will be a FlyBagEat. The baggage allowance is 30kg, and blankets are available for flights above 4 hours (except for CAN, HKG, MFM and NNG)
• SQMI bookings are on agreed SPA rate, defined or undefined with date ranges depending on route.
SQMI Interline Inbound Groups Request Process
1. Station send email to
2. Sales SOT to forward to TR RM for quote.
3. TR RM to quote based on per sector. If return trip, both sectors will be billed equally ie. If SINNKGSIN is $1600, pls quote as $800 per sector.
4. Sales SOT to respond to station with quotation and advise tour code to be used in same email.
Please copy as well.
a. For either Round-Trip (SINCAN vv) or One-Way (SINCAN) TR sector, station will need to enter e.g. ‘CAN800’ in the tour code, where SGD800 represents the quote for one TR sector.
b. If the group itinerary involves Open Jaw TR sectors, e.g. SINHKT//HDYSIN on TR, please enter e.g. ‘HKT080 HDY120’ (with a space in between).
5. Station to create booking with tour code inserted.
6. Sales SOT to approve upon verification of tour code.
7. PSH to follow up Finance on the applicable tour codes.
If stations indicate they are unsure how to indicate the tour code, please redirect them to SQ NRM for advice.
Approval time
• TR turnaround time for request approval – 3 days.
• If TR rejects the flight with UC status due to lack of seat availability, as per current rebooking process, SQ station needs to delete the UC flight and request for an alternative flight in the PNR.
Ticketing time limit / Hold period in Navitaire
• Booking made before 14 days to departure, TTL is 14 days to departure.
• Bookings made on/less than 14 days to departure, TTL is the next 24 hours.
Note: Once TTL is up, all segments (including SQMI) will be cancelled in Navitaire.
If an extension is required, please be reminded to do so in Navitaire.
• SOT can extend the hold time to 14 days before departure manually in Sky Speed, then add a comment and tick the share booking source check box for the system to generate an OTHS free text line in the teletype.
Names in deadline
• 14 days before departure for both TR and SQ/MI.
• The minimum group size and TCP is 10pax for all TR flights, similar to SQ/MI.
• For JED, if there is a split PNR that results in a group size less than 10 (TCP still must be 10 or more), station should send their request to and cc
• TR:
• SQ/MI:
TR schedule changes/cancellation
• TR Scheduling will send the list of affected PNRs to Guest Relations and SOT at every schedule change/cancellation. SOT to notify the group/travel agency accordingly.
• Procedures are similar to SQMI schedule changes/cancellation.
Other enquiries, please direct to