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Connect With Us

Your stories inspired Scoot With Heart. Why stop there? Let’s move the world.

Changing the world begins by building strong relationships with each other. From reconnecting with old buddies to making new BFFs, heart-to-heart chats with a loved one over a meal or bonding over weekly video-calls, we want to hear and amplify these good vibes.

Share your story of connection below! We'll be picking the story that most uplifts us to help make another reunion happen.


By continuing, you agree and acknowledge:

  • That your personal information will be disclosed to, collected, processed and used by Scoot for the purposes of conducting the Scoot With Heart campaign, including but not limited to marketing and promotional purposes,
  • That your shared story will be collected by Scoot and may be featured or used at Scoot’s sole discretion in advertising, marketing, promotional and/or publicity materials in connection with the Scoot With Heart campaign, and
  • That you have read, understood and accepted Scoot’s Privacy Policy at which outlines Scoot’s policy and responsibility in relation to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information.